Getting Through the Decision Maze (and on to your path)

Are you in a decision maze or a decision tunnel?

Maze: this where all the ‘what you want and what you think you should want’ exists. This is where you have loads of ideas and desires and things you could do and feel overwhelmed by making a decision. You get hung up on what the right decision is. This is where the path is not clear. You’ve lost sight of your North Star (alignment).

Tunnel: this is where it is clear what the next decision and action is - you can see it. However, you keep staring at it, mulling it over, and avoiding it. This is where the path is clear but the what if’s are loud. You’ve lost access to your self-trust.

Let’s use a career example I often hear from the leaders I work with.

Should I stay at the company I’m at or is it time to move on?

  • They are grateful for the career they’ve had.

  • They are respected in their role.

  • They have good relationships with many of their colleagues.

  • They make good money and enjoy the flexibility they have.


  • They have a constant hum of dissatisfaction.

  • They feel like something is missing.

  • They are curious about what else is out there for them.

  • They don't see where else to go in their current role/company.

Often what they daydream about (want) is collapsed with what they think they should do.

Ex: I'm craving something more meaningful but I shouldn’t rock the boat of my career.

They also have a lot of ideas and interests.

Ex: Do I want to start a business? Use my knowledge and skills in another industry?, Go after something completely different and work way less?

There are also real factors to consider.

Ex: What is the financial runway I have to make this switch?

Then there are all of the fears.

Ex: What if I end up regretting leaving where I am at?

Multiple all of these by at least 10 each and you can see why it might be hard to decide on whether to stay or go.

“Cool, great, I’ll just stay in this maze forever.”


Start asking different questions.

Ex: What had me choose my current career path?

Ex: I wanted to make good money, have a secure job, and make an impact with my leadership.

Ex: Ok, what are the beliefs and fears that have me go after money and security?

Ex: I grew up with a lot of financial and emotional chaos and never wanted to experience that.

Ex: Ok, and you’ve created something different for yourself than you had growing up - you have stability. If you knew you’d be ok financially, emotionally - in all the ways that are important to you - what are the conversations you’d love to be in?

Ex: I want to be in conversations about humanizing leadership. I want to talk about the magical and messy parts. I want to have meaning and fun and work with cool caring people.

And you keep asking the questions.

Once you have a vision (North Star) for how you see your next chapter, you can ask yourself …

Can I create that in my current role/company/industry?

The answer to that can help you make your decision with clarity, confidence, and alignment.

You can get out of the maze and onto YOUR path.


Would you like support getting through the maze?

Get the Big-Ass Daring Decisions™ Guide to make YOUR decision from a powerful, aligned place.

* By signing up to receive the Big-Ass Daring Decisions™ Guide, you will also begin receiving my bi-weekly leader letters, designed to add fuel to your leadership and life. (And you will always have the option to opt out at anytime.)


Looking at Power Differently


Getting Out of the Decision Tunnel (and on to your path)