Uncommon Conversations

Ahem. Is there a conversation you’ve been avoiding?

Consider this ...

The language used for conversations we don’t typically like include difficult, challenging, and uncomfortable.

There is nothing wrong with that language.

And since words matter and can inform how we experience something, there is an opportunity to reframe our perspective.

(which can move us towards having the conversations we are dreading)

What I have found in supporting leaders, teams, and myself through difficult/challenging/uncomfortable conversations is that they are confronting.

(I know a handful of people that absolutely love going into a tough conversation. I’m not sure why I’m even friends with them.)

We are typically confronted by what is unfamiliar to us.

We are unfamiliar with what we are not practiced at.

Which brings me to this …

What if we stopped thinking of them as difficult conversations and thought of them as UNCOMMON conversations?

Most of us weren’t taught that it is ok to be vulnerable. (eww weak)

Most of us didn’t learn how to navigate our own emotions. (eww gross)

Most of us didn’t learn how to navigate other people’s emotions. (eww annoying)

Most of us didn’t learn how to not take other’s feelings, actions, needs, wants, complaints, rejections - personally.

So of course we relate to conversations that require us to be with any of that as difficult.

Because we are not taught these things we avoid them.

Let’s call these conversations what they really are … uncommon.

It might just give you the jolt of trust, confidence, and power you need to go have the conversation you’ve been putting off.

What shifts for you when you think of difficult/challenging/uncomfortable conversations as uncommon instead?


Fucking Shit Up With Your Leadership


What if your leadership is the first of it’s kind?